Friday, March 19, 2010

Updated Layout!

I revised the blog title banner a little bit and added a tree. At first the leaves were floating to the left and then I realized the wind was moving to the right, not the left. I had to redo the leaves all over so the direction of the hair. Still, it only looks windy if you look at the hair...

The revised version of the banner.
The clouds were fun. :D I searched up tutorial for clouds on Google. It turns out Photoshop has a button for clouds... I experimented with brushes this time for different effects.

The original version of the banner.
I thought she looked incomplete so I fixed her up a little bit. I got rid of the closeup to fit the tree. It looks better now.

Okay, I guess this is it for now. I will post some more pictures when I have the time to draw and edit. BTW, Bon Jovi's It's My Life is awesome.


It is finally the weekend! Whoot! This week seemed like forever for the longest time. D:

Today is so sunny that it is blinding me with the ultra shiny glare. I can't stare outside my window too long or else my eyes hurts. It is like staring at a stage light. It hurts but it is so pretty...

I might post some art later. Bye-bye!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The TV Theme Medley

This video is so pro! He has such an amazing voice! I was surprised when Naruto popped out of no where. Ha ha ha! Go watch it at!

Veggie Bun and Man-Tao (Steamed Bun)

My mom just came home with Chinese veggie buns and man-toas! (Did I spell that right? o.0) There are both made with whole wheat flour and other healthy stuff. The veggie bun has cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, and dong-feng (green bean noodles) steamed together into a delicious fat bun. Yummy!

The man-taos (the one on the bottom) has gogi, walnuts, raisans, and sun flower seeds. Wah! So yummy! I know what I am having for lunch tomorrow!

Homework and 1/2 Prince

Hmmm. I have a lot of homework to do. I want to draw and so not do homework.^^

Anyways, I have been reading 1/2 Prince, the novel and the manga! It is so freaking hilarious. I love it! Prince is so funny! The translated novel is at and the manga can be found on OneManga. By the way, the original author is Taiwanese. Just an FYI. :D


New Blog! Yay!

I just made this new blog thingy. I have no idea what this is really supposed to be used for. ;D I just joined because I went on my friend's deviantArt account and went oh, she has a blog. I want one too! Whee! What a way to follow the crowd...
I'll post some other stuff later. Bye-bye!